This week was good. Not all that much of a unique week. But I will share a spiritual thought.
Dallas Daze.
See attached picture for a rather odd church name we found
So my thoughts this week are on a new witness I've gained about this church being the true one. In the world we have a way of treating symptoms. When something inside us makes us sick for example and the side effects might consist of a runny nose. We take some medicine, not to fight this thing inside us making us sick, but we take something to mask the runny nose until the bad thing stops festering or we just deal with it. Now medicine does often fix this but for the sake of an analogy I say such. But when we look more into our behavior, there are two sides. Good and bad. Now whether people like it or not there is good and bad behavior and consequences for both. In my own life when I see bad behavior, typically it would make sense to treat the behavior. Metaphorically, say I have a potty mouth and use vulgarity often. Typical fun ways to treat this can be a swear jar, soap in the mouth, a physical consequence, etc. We put a wall between us and bad behavior. That bad behavior might cease to manifest, but it is still rooted in our nature. This nature is the key to it all. This is your heart. This is the true problem that if cleansed, the rest will fix themselves. Well there are tons and tons and tons of self help books to try and address this changing your nature business, they often don't see it as changing nature though. They have great ideas and fantastic methods, but they are missing the key ingredient, the means that will not just fix our behavior, but change our hearts that the behavior itself ceases to exist within us. This key is Christ. The world finds "life hacks," self help books, Ted talks, all these resources but what they don't know is they are trying to teach the very same things Christ himself taught, and Christ is the true and lasting means that we can not only change our behavior, but change our nature so it's automatic to do good. Now I know Christ is that, but where do I find such help and how do I invite that change in me? I have found such.
A verse says perfectly, "5 And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just--yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them..." The word. The words of Christ. This is backed up when Amulek testifies of Alma's words, "6 And ye also beheld that my brother has proved unto you, in many instances, that the word is in Christ unto salvation."
So the word that has a more powerful effect is in Christ, and so where do we find him. There's plenty of churches, but what this church challenges is that Christ speaks through a prophet today, that he provided MORE word today, untampered and not corrupted. It is said, "the Book of Mormon [is] the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man [will] get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.” this is a bold claim! And if it be true, who wouldn't want that! Does it really hurt to try? If that book gets people closer to God and his Son, a spitting image of him, changes natures, where is the harm in seeing if this does such a thing? Who wouldn't want that! If it is true, you've found where the "living Christ" is directing and leading (because he does live,he was resurrected and I doubt he's just sitting in heaven relaxing) if not then you're left to what you already had.
So here's my point, I've deepened my testimony of this church because I want it known to everyone, that I am imperfect, I struggle, and alone I am in every sense of the word nothing. I am powerless to change my nature. But there is one, the very Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, the Creator, who can. And I have been studying more than I EVER have in my life recently this book. Reading every word aloud, imagining the events in my head, empathizing with its people, drinking deeply from this word. And it is slow.....but I want to let all who read this know, that I see myself changing...I feel different. I feel better. I feel closer to God than I ever have before. I dont have walls between me and behavior because my course is being entirely redirected, divinely choreographed. In simple terms, this book is changing my nature. Something I know only Christ could ever do. And if reading this "word" which the word must be in Christ, that has a more powerful effect on the minds of people, word that can change blood thirsty and idolotrous people that relish in murder and plunder and transform them into a so polar opposite group of people willing to be slain in prayer unto God than to touch a weapon in defense for the fear of sin, is changing my very nature, something only Christ can do, then it is from him. This is his word. This book is true, and what a domino effect that fact has.
Now any who do not yet believe this, who wonder, who question, who are unsure, or even who know, I beg of you, listen to one who lived long ago when he says, "10 And now, my beloved brethren, and also Jew, and all ye ends of the earth, hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good.
11 And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye--for Christ will show unto you, with power and great glory, that they are his words, at the last day; and you and I shall stand face to face before his bar; and ye shall know that I have been commanded of him to write these things, notwithstanding my weakness."
I add my witness, that these are his words, and notwithstanding my weakness, my sins, and my imperfections, I know they are true and will do my best to live them. For they do indeed teach men to do good. I add my prayer to Nephi's when he says, "12 And I pray the Father in the name of Christ that many of us, if not all, may be saved in his kingdom at that great and last day."
I know the book of Mormon is true, I know God is there. I know he leads this church, I know this because Christ is the only being with power strong enough to truly change human nature, and reading his words and seeing such miracles and wonders from growing closer to God is changing me. I am not perfect, but in Christ we one day can be. I pray please, read that book, drink deeply and don't stop, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him. We are children of God, and this is designed for God's children, if you don't believe it works for everyone, rethink that thought and give it a try, because it's real. I am not someone who's easily convinced of anything, but this I testify is true. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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