Monday, January 30, 2017

Take His Yoke Upon You

Hey y'all!

This week was slow, we yet again had car problems, but this time it gave up the ghost so we are workin with that.

Dallas Daze

So as everyone knows, BBQ is a thing in the south. Meat is quite sought after. Well I have had now the best BBQ I've had in my whole life. It truly made me wish I was fatter so I could eat more. The guy that made it was up early in the morning and cooked all throughout the day to have it perfect. We had a big plate of cow ribs, pork ribs, brisket stuffed jalapeños wrapped in bacon, garlic butter potatoes, homemade ice cream and brownies, and homemade BBQ sauce. All homemade, smoked, hand rubbed, and ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. I couldn't eat all of it all so the chopped it all up and we now are having it for sandwiches and hot dang it was good.

So nothin crazy happened but some crazy good food.

I also had some octopus sushi and eel sushi at a Chinese place. Was pretty much not that great. But the other sushi they had was bomb. 

Couple things I wanted to talk about this week was something we learned in the missionary broadcast in which they changed the schedules of missionaries and such. They talked about our purpose and the doctrine of Christ. Something that stuck out to me as we watched the apostles council together about certain matters was how often times we as members separate doctrines as being distinct things that are loosely connected to one another. But it isn't so. Sometimes we think faith and repentance for example are two different things but when we can understand faith UNTO repentance, we grow closer to our savior and understand his doctrine which deepens our conversion as we act. Or tough subjects like the scattering and gathering of Israel. It's a branch of gods plan of salvation in which his children learn of him and gather and teach one another the plan so that we can all be together forever. It's part of enduring to the end in stage here on earth. Things that may seem out in the distance are often times very close and just take study and prayer to understand. I don't know a lot of things, but I know that everything can be tied back to faith in Jesus Christ unto repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. The gospel is simple and we can understand the layers through study and prayer. There is no question or mis understanding that can't be resolved through study, prayer, and fasting. Hold to your faith and receive more, it's how we obtain more joy than we already have. 

The other thing is a personal study I have undertaken as invited by Russel M. Nelson. Study everything the savior ever said and did. This can be done by going to the topical guide and reading everything you find under "Jesus Christ." It'll link to multiple names and other sections but from there, read everything, then move to the next linked name/topic and read everything in there. I am still on "Jesus Christ" but I have found such peace, joy, strength, help, and clarity through this. The savior said, "my yoke is easy and my burden is light." We must come to know the savior to access this and as we come to know him, we cannot help but to love him. A recent general conference talk reads, "if I loved the savior more, would I suffer less?" The answer is resoundingly, YES! But the real question is how? How does that work? How is his yoke easy and burden light? How does weakness become strength through the Atonement? How do I answer questions of my heart? How? Well I invite you, seconding Russel M. Nelson, read everything the Savior ever said and did, study him, come to know him, and find out how. Discover just how real God is. If your dwindling, come back! This Sunday a recent convert talked about how he would come to church after he was baptized and was discouraged because he felt so behind everyone else, like they had it going and were eons ahead of him. But through study, prayer, and living the gospel he came to know that we are all struggling with unseen things, he was not alone. This is your way back! I promise you in Jesus' name that if you will learn of Him, if you will study Him as the great Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament, the Prophesied Messiah of the Book of Mormon, and the Living God and head of His church in the Doctrine and Covenants, everything He said and did, you're life will is going to change. You have so many loving brothers and sisters on this side of the veil and the other side cheering you on. If you've fallen back, come back. If you are here, press on. If you doubt, find peace. If you hunger, hunger no more. If you thirst, drink and find the waters of life. He is the way, and it all starts through coming to know Him. He has done many things, and what better way to know Him, than studying what things he's done for you. I exhort that you to give this a chance, it won't happen in a day, but it will happen. Take His yoke upon you, for it is indeed easy, and His burden is truly light. Discover who Christ was, is, and forever will be. I testify He is the savior of the world. He is the Holy One of Israel, He is our advocate, and He is our friend. He is my strength and because of Him, I have found sure foundation, direction in the moment, and hope of the future. What person on earth wouldn't want hope and peace?

I love you all and hope everything is goin well!
Elder Hiatt

Thursday, January 26, 2017

New District Leader

Dear Brother and Sister Hiatt,
I wanted to let you know that your son, Elder Cameron Leland Hiatt has been called to be a District Leader in the Texas Dallas Mission.  He has shown by his example the willingness and dedication to assist his fellow missionaries in moving the work forward. 
He will be responsible for helping every missionary in his district learn how to be the best missionary he can be and perform to the best of his ability.  He will conduct district meetings each week and go on 24-hour exchanges with each of the Elders in his district during the transfer as he sees fit.  This will be a great opportunity for him to learn, grow and serve his fellow missionaries. 
Thank you for your support and prayers.  We appreciate the sacrifice that you are making to allow your son to serve in this mission.  May the Lord bless you with His choicest blessings as your son serves to build up His kingdom. 
Brian K. Taylor, President
Texas Dallas Mission 

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Blue Book is True!

Hello Yall!

This week was wonderful! But there was a couple experiences very notable. 

We were asked by the ward to visit this family who has somewhat shown interest in coming back to the church. I've talked with them before but they were really not all that interested. So we went over last week and invited them to take the missionary discussions again and they accepted. That was kind of a miracle in itself but the real miracle is what happened this week. We went over Thursday to teach the Restoration. They were all there except the oldest daughter, she was a friends house. We began with a prayer and taught a really awesome restoration. They seemed sorta touched and we were kinda worried throughout the lesson about if they were really opening up their hearts. Well we gave testimony at the end after the first vision video and man, the spirit peels people like an onion. They opened up like to the CORE to us and tears began to flow. They expressed their genuine desire to come back but were scared to come to church and what God thinks of them and such. They felt horrible their kids don't go to church and have grown up without it. We sat and cried together as we watched the ember of hope be unearthed and take light once again. The light of Christ burned bright and the spirit filled the room. I grew that night to truly love this family. They were so excited to have us come back over and wanted us to reteach the restoration to their daughter that wasn't there so she can be baptized. They committed to read the Book of Mormon as a family and wanted us to start having family home evenings with them again. The wife mentioned as well how she looks back and when they were active in the church was when she was the happiest in life. She wanted to come back so bad. It was truly a blessing to be a vessel for the spirit. Missionary work itself is pretty easy. You just open your mouth and let the spirit speak the things you prepared in exactly how they need them. It is so awesome. Our part is being worthy of the spirit. And why wouldn't we want to be? It cleans us, strengthens us, comforts us, and gives us the very words we need in the very moment we need them. The Holy Ghost is AWESOME. 

That was one experience. The next was with an older couple we are teaching. They were a bible referral, I think I mentioned them before. Barbara and Donald. They are so darn awesome. We had a lesson with them earlier this week reteaching what we had before about the Book of Mormon because we didn't teach it super clear before.So we discussed why the Book of Mormon is around, what it is about, and why reading it is important. We did this by reading the introduction with them and explaining it as we went. The Holy Ghost touched their heart and they got it. They really got it! They were extremely excited to read it! We invited them to church but they said not this week. That made us pretty sad but none the less, they were progressing rapidly. Well Saturday night we get a call from Barbara saying, "Don and I have been talking a lot, and we want to come to church if we feel able in the morning (they have many back and health problems that limit their sit down time). What should we wear and where do we go?" Oh man we went through the roof. Getting people to church is very difficult. We gave them the address and told them how people usually dress. We prayed that night that they would be feeling good enough to come for Sacrament meeting. Well that morning we got a text before church of them in a suit and dress saying they were on their way! They came and the members were super surprised but were AWESOME. Barbara and Donald were greeted by tons of people. They loved it, they loved sacrament meeting too. The problems caught up with them and they had to go early after sacrament but on the way out they were chit chatting with everyone like old friends. They told them how they had read the Bible tons of times but felt like they wanted more but they just couldn't fill that need from the Bible alone. They then said they felt like this was the step in the right direction and that "those two boys" are teaching us more, are giving us more. They said to many how much they loved it and they said, "We gotta go this week, but we will be back next Sunday. You can count on that." They've texted us every day since we met them about how much they are loving the Book of Mormon. We were assigning them verses to read but now they have started from the beginning. Today Barbara texted us and said how she had read 5 chapters last night instead of just one. In her words, "I reading and I almost didn't want to put it down but I knew I had to to do some things. When are you guys coming over though? Can you come Tuesday?" So yeah, we are stoked to say the least. Miracles are real. This area was somewhat of a dead area but it is changing before our eyes. So so awesome. 

Dallas Daze

So we have two things about Dallas Daze. First of all, this investigators limo that he takes massive pride in that I can't remember if I mentioned or not. So here you go.

Also, Texas is flat as the Salt Flats. But we found the ONE "mountain" here in Texas. Well because its so flat, it makes some seriously awesome sunrises. So we woke up this morning and went to see. ​         

                                                                                                                              Well I love yall! The church is true and the book is blue!

Elder Hiatt

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

New Friends

This is Twitch and Bazz. I've made some friends today emailing and ya,

it's awesome. Twitch is the big dog and Bazz is the white dog.

Cam is able to find dogs where ever he goes.  The kid is a dog magnet.  I keep thinking that he is going to be sick of being chased, barked and whatever by dogs on his mission but it has yet to happen.  Dogs love him.

Love the hideous shirt as well.  His mother did not send him out there with that thing.  

Monday, January 16, 2017

Plan of Salvation

This week has been fantastic! I'll talk about Dallas Daze and then the message.

Dallas Daze. 

So this week we had got done teaching a lesson and stopped on a side road to see what road we need to take to the next lesson. Well my companion says, "Elder, do you think that works?" I look up and see a microwave in the bushes, I figured maybe and asked why? Response I got was, "well we can never put metal in microwaves normally because we bought them, but that one is free game." So we grabbed it for later! Well we had some time when we got home one night and found out what really happens. And let me tell you it is really darn cool! 😂😂 you just gotta have some fun while your out or you'll go crazy. 

We promptly turned it off and put it outside when this happened because you know......awesome and scary are synonyms. But yes! Greatest 5 minutes of my life, not really, but way cool. Never knew this. So that was awesome. 

This week though was really awesome. We had tons of success, like crazy success. Our average for numbers last time was 2 investigators for the last 3 weeks combined, and like 4 lessons. We set a goal for the transfer to be at 10 lessons a week and many other things. Well this week it EXPLODED. We found 9 new investigators, taught 10 lessons, had 7 set up this week, and just, man miracles are real. All who have been praying, your prayers are helping. We have had such success and this week we had interviews with our president. He also came to our stake conference sessions and so we had a lot of President Taylor time. It was amazing. 

Stake conference is what I want to talk about. The theme was discovering your place in the great plan of salvation. Family history was involved as Elder Foster was here as well. So we had general authorities, President Taylor, stake president, temple president, and yeah. Super spirit filled week. One of the songs I really like that can help us see our plan is the song "Glorious" by David Archuleta.  Look it up and listen to the lyrics. One way I like to think of our life here and what our purpose and how we fit into the plan is thinking of a mosaic made up of snapshots of our lives. The ultimate view is the beautiful plan of god that he told us in the pre-existense. We accepted that plan and came down to learn of it again, and the things we do to follow it, are snapshots in the grand scheme. One of the greatest things that add to it are the time we spend with our families and connecting them together. A youth speaker spoke about how angry he was when he had to forgo his plans with friends and go with the family to a picnic. At that picnic he gradually had his heart soften and as he played games with his family and the friend his sister brought he continually over heard, "my family never does anything like this." She's a non member and he put it off but when his dad said it was time to go, he was really disappointed, and a third time the friend said, "my family never does this stuff, I wish they did." And it struck him. He was grateful for his family and truly realized that his moments of happiness, the things many miss in life, is family. So many kids don't spend time with their families and when they get home struggle, there isn't that environment to fall back on. I looked back on my own life, the best times I always remember, are the times at family reunions, when we spent time with each other, the love I feel there. Just, the importance of family to God is great, and there is so much love to be had there. When there is love at home, the world is a better place. But it was truly amazing to experience. I can't even explain the feelings that were felt reflecting on my family and how important they are. Especially our extended family waiting for their work to be done to be saved. I felt so motivated to do family history especially with how easy it's gotten it was ad to think I have to wait a mission to do it. But I found something we can all do. Whether we like it or not, technology is a huge help for this. So I've began switching from journaling on paper to in my family history profile on family search app "memories." It's just, I wish I could convey how important it is to help our ancestors. 

But overall, remember, you are an important pieces to the Lord's puzzle. And loving his plan brings happiness. And when things get hard remember, "there must needs be opposition in all things." It's all part of the plan. As we have love in our home and lay the foundation of Christ for our families through the small experiences of love and example as we follow the worlds example. Jesus Christ is the key to it all. I know an attitude of gratitude and understanding who Jesus Christ was can fix most problems in this world, and at least give you the strength and direction to endure through. It's a daily thing. I hope everyone will seek to develop and eternal perspective and see how they fit into gods plan. "It's like a symphony, just keep listening, and pretty soon you'll start to figure out your part. Everyone plays a piece, and their own melody, it's glorious." Find your part through Jesus Christ and the heir love unifying your family. I know he is the son of god and the hope of the world. Of this I testify in his name. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Satan Can't Stop the Work!

Hey Y'all! 

Man this week was hard! Satan had really tried immobilizing us by keeping our car in the shop all week but we made due anyway! So ha Satan! You are nothing! 

Dallas Daze:

This week was lovely because we have been having quite the ant problem. So we put out ant house things to poison them and thought that'd work. Well Sunday morning there were all the sudden tons in the bathroom, and we looked and saw they were literally just crawling under the ant traps and avoiding them. So we said enough was enough. We had a box of bug foggers in the apartment and it was time for this party to end. So we cleared out the bathroom, placed the fogger which if you don't know what that is is basically a smoke grenade filled with Raid, and set that bad boy off and promptly left for church. So we vacated, after church we came back and aired out the house for a couple hours as directed on the box and made our house a warm 54 degrees.....wooooo. But man, The ant genocide that occurred was awesome. Let me suffice to say that there is no longer an ant problem what so ever in our apartment. :) we cleaned it all up and it looks great but woo doggy was that fogger cool. Little can of miracle spray that solves bug problems. It was fantastic. We think the ants came in like they did because it went from a nice hot and humid 76 to a 28 in like a night....yay Texas weather! Predicting east Texas weather correctly is like winning the lottery, twice, every month, for a year. 

So yes this week had no car and were on foot and at the will of members. It was awesome. The thing I want to talk about this week is a very exciting testimony building experience and to do so I want to share what I shared in testimony meeting yesterday. It was kind of lame but it got my point across I feel. 

There was a man that was in his 20s, pondering deeply about his future and how to achieve success and happiness. He was facing college and it was a big decision to choose what path he'd follow into the field of life. A wise man walked by and noticed his face contorted in deep thought. He asked, "what is troubling you young man?" The younger man said, "well I want to be successful and happy in life, I want to prosper, but there's so many unknowns and so many decisions to make and if I choose wrong it could jeopardize that. I'm not sure what to do, I'm not sure of much of anything." The wise man said, "well here is what I will tell you, take it if you may. If you will wake up each morning and at 7 am, eat an apple, you will have prosperity come." He then walked off. The young man sat confused but the task seemed harmless and he decided he'd try it. For the next many years he did just that. Every morning at 7 am he had an apple. As he lived, he went through college, developed a family, found work at various places, and walked the field of life. Through trials and storm as well as sun and shine he never missed a day about the apple. As he grew older he looked forward to the day to receive the promised prosperity he had been told of. The years went by, he still looked for the day it would come. Older he got and as he did, he began to wonder if it was ever going to. He began to doubt and the light dimmed of the prosperity ever coming. As we sat outside one day on his porch the same wise man walked by his home. Startled, he ran to talk to him. When he came up he exclaimed, "sir! I have done what you said, you told me many years ago that if I ate an apple at 7 am every morning, I would receive prosperity but I have been waiting for that day to come! How long must I wait??!" The wise man put his hand on his shoulder and said, "turn around and look." The young man did and he beheld his home, confused he looked deeper and realized, he had lived it. He could see his beautiful wife in the window doing chores, he saw his home that comfortably fit all his family, he saw his youngest son outside playing with their dog, he thought of his oldest son married and doing well, he though of his grand kids, he beheld all the blessings before him and realized, the prosperity had come. It was here, he is living it. He turned back around and the wise man was gone, but the heart of the man now changed, went back in and enjoyed such life he had been living. 

This I relate to my Sunday yesterday. I had not made the greatest decisions growing up and finally began before my mission to read the Book of Mormon and take Moroni's promise, that is ask God if it is not true. He promises a witness by the Holy Ghost and I hear of so many witnesses people have of the moment they see it's true and exclaim with joy. I was looking ahead to the day I would receive mine. Two times more through the Book of Mormon I stood still without such a witness. But Sunday during sacrament and testimony meeting as I pondered the topic, I heard the words, "turn around, and look." I did. And how I marveled at what I saw. Since I had began a study of the Book and asked, my life changed. I enjoyed the comfort of the Holy Ghost promised to me, I had strength during trials I never had before when I had went at trials alone, I had received blessing both temporally and spiritually and truly through the Holy Ghost had been living my witness that the Book of Mormon was true, and it changed my life. It does so because it points us to Jesus Christ and sets us on His straight and narrow path. It has pointed me to God and though there are trials I have lived still, the strength is there because I read that book each day. Because it turns me to God each day. And through Christ, the source of all strength, we have the ability to endure with joy. The Book is true. I know it, I can finally declare I know it. The fruits are too evident. They are from God, it is from God, Jesus Christ lives and has restored the Book of Mormon through Joseph Smith so that we may learn of Him and apply His infinite Atonement in our own lives daily. We must daily, or it does not come. But I witness to you that I know that Book is true and I know that it points us to Christ. Christ is everything and I invite all to let him be that. In the words of a now favorite hymn of mine I the 4th verse of Hymn 185, "At the throne I intercede; For thee ever do I plead. I have loved thee as thy friend, With a love that cannot end. Be obedient, I implore, Prayerful, watchful evermore, And be constant unto me, That thy Savior I may be." I pray we may allow His Atonement in our lives. There is joy to be had in all times of our lives, so long as we tap into the source of all joy. In Christ's name, amen.

Elder Hiatt

Cam found someone Stock went to college with!

Monday, January 2, 2017


Hey y'all!

So this week was amazing!!! We had an amazing miracle happen where we decided to make a trip down to Jacksonville. We have been praying for miracles but it has been slow. Well we get to Jacksonville and went to seek out referrals we have had. We stopped by various people but nobody was home. So after we had went by many people, later in the day we got a text from one of the referrals saying he was home now and wanted us to come back. So we went to deliver the Bible he ordered. It ended up being a lesson on the restoration and when we relayed the first vision his eyes widened and was like, "woah, man that's cool. I feel a lot joy from that." We helped him see how he felt the spirit and he asked for a Book of Mormon as well. He loved it and is excited to have us come back. Well after that we decided to visit  someone we already had again and this time they were home. Well the person we were looking for wasn't super interested but her son was WAY interested. He came out and asked us about the Book of Mormon and told us how he had one but didn't understand it. He asked TONS of questions and as we answered them he got more and more excited as we talked. He said he wanted to meet with missionaries so we referred him to the elders he lives by and they had a lesson with him and he had said that when we promised him the day before that if he would read this book it would change his life, he told the elders, "man I can't get out of my head when the Hiatt one said that if I would give this a chance and learn more that it will change my life. That hit me hard man." They went over a lesson with him and he basically was like, "yep that's true, uh huh that's true, yeah I feel that is true. Yeah this is awesome!" It was so cool! So my companion and I are working on his mom that lives in our area and his excitement made her way more interested. It was so awesome.

There was another miracle this week too. Our vehicle has been having some problems and we finally set out to repair that, we went to one shop and they said they couldn't take it till Monday. We then went to a place Elder Wilson, our vehicle coordinator, told us about and we typed the address wrong and it was a ford dealership. So we found a chevy dealership finally and took it in. They said it'd be a while so we went inside and first we talked to a mom and her son that work at a beauty salon in Gilmer, Texas and how they know the missionaries and such and it was a great conversation, that was miracle one. Now here's ultra crazy cool miracle #2. We got this referral 46 days ago for someone and we tried contacting them but never was able to. Well I kind of forgot about them so we have had this uncontacted referral sitting. We were sitting outside getting some air and up walks this lady to us. She says "hey I'm so and so, and I thought it was crazy, I saw you two inside and thought, 'no, that can't be.' And you walk out and sure enough, it is the Mormon missionaries. Well I pulled up an email you sent me a month ago and it was you two! Was it you that sent the email to me?" Well bam here is this referral that we have miraculously ran into that we talked to for a good long while. Turns out she has been meaning to call but didn't want to bother us. We were able to get to know her background and questions she has and teach her about the Book of Mormon and bear powerful testimony about it and how the answers she's searching for and the questions she has can be found and answered here in this church if she will give it a chance and read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. She asked with a sincere spark to her, "do you have a copy I can have?" We happen to have one with us that wasn't bent and folded like crazy with the rest in our car that was currently unavailable and we gave it to her. She is seriously SO prepared and it is a true miracle we happen to run into her at the auto shop of all places! As well as having one copy with us to give! She is moving tomorrow out of state and we are working on that but if we hadn't been here and she would've moved, she wouldn't have the Book and wouldn't have the commitment to read it. Crazy thing too? She moved to St. George yesterday!! That was just insane to experience how the Lord when we set goals and make plans choreographs it to happen. It was so awesome. Made me see how being obedient and doing things God's way brings our desires and miracles. Maybe some of you will see her in St George and meet her! Was so cool.  So also this week before I run out of time I want to mention. We had a baptism Wednesday!!!! So awesome!  

Dallas Daze
So this week we got to see parts of a church building nobody ever sees. It was way cool to see how the buildings are made and so efficient. Nothing crazier happened so this weeks is kind of lame.

 I also got to skype in to a baptism of one of my investigators in my old area Saturday! She wanted me to baptize her but I am too far away to go back and do it. She was sad I wasn't the one to baptize her like she wanted but she was way happy to see me over skype and that I could be there. Her name is Michelle and it was awesome.

She's the first in her family to be baptized and it's so awesome. She is truly an amazing 9 year old. So proud of her for continuing on even though I got transferred. She reads the BOM everyday and it's really impressive.

Well I wish I could write more but we are driving into Dallas for a temple trip so I must go! I love you guys!

Elder Hiatt