This week was pretty good!
Dallas Daze
This week we were taken to a place called Babe's Chicken House, and it's super good. They have unlimited all you can eat sides of biscuits, corn, gravy, green beans, and ya. It's amazing. Then they don't even give you a menu, they just ask if you want chicken fried steak, chicken fingers, fried catfish, and I'm pretty sure that's it, I might be forgetting one. But they bring out this mass amount of each and it's TOP OF THE LINE. It's so good. And they have hilarious signs around the whole place. I'll attach pictures.
But ya this week we had some awesome talks in stake conference. We also had some good lessons with people but mostly I genuinely just want to focus on the Book of Mormon. This book is not being given enough study and thought. The little things are being too neglected. In stake conference our mission president talked and it was all about the Book of Mormon. All the talks tied it in and just, I mean the prophets whole talk last Conference was simply read the Book! Without knowing that is true, we are still in the dark. The heavens are shut as far as we know and prophets are a thing of the past. We are left wandering and nothing can direct except simple faded footsteps of men thousands of years ago and the words of the Son of God filtered through mans interpretations and mistakes.
But the news is is God and Jesus Christ have appeared to the earth again, dispelled this dark veil of mystery, turmoil, confusion, and wonder. They have appeared and called a prophet anew. They have restored the path that we can walk to physically and spiritually receive the blessings and powers of heaven into our lives again. What is offered today is knowledge of before this life, why we are here and what we can do while we are here to abolish guilt, shame, sadness, unfairness, and gain peace, hope, and strength to carry on. We know where we are going and we can find solace in and through Jesus Christ. There is more to this life than just school, college, getting a job, and dying. There are things that extend far beyond this life. And the means to access them today have been restored. The evidence of this and the concrete of it all, is the prophesied Stick of Joseph, the Book of Mormon. It's not just a book with stories. It's the instruction manual of how to access the saviors sacrifice in our lives, those words in the Bible? How do we access any of those teachings in our modern day? The Book of Mormon is the instruction manual, and is the compass on where to find the parts to put it all together. It's found within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We have the authority of God to bring about this peace and hope to all who seek it. Who doesn't want peace hope and strength to live each day!?! Does that sound to anyone?
I want to give my testimony that as I have read the Book of Mormon, there was a change that took place in me. It was nothing about the Book, but what the Book pointed to, or rather who it pointed me to. If you feel despair? Read the Book of Mormon. If you struggle with self esteem? Read the Book of Mormon. If you struggle with depression? Read the Book of Mormon. If you don't know why your here? Read the Book of Mormon. If you wonder if there is a God? Read the Book of Mormon. If you have marriage problems? Read the Book of Mormon.
11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
He did this.....for you. For you to not suffer those hardships without help. He did this so you could find hope, to find peace, to find happiness now and forever. But how? Read how. Where do I complete the how? Wherever his church is found. How do we know which one is the one? If the book is true, this church is true.
In the words of our beloved Prophet, "if you do not have a testimony of the Book of Mormon, do that which is necessary to obtain one." Please. Please. Just try it. I can only tell you what it's like being in the pool. You can only watch me and see how being in the pool is fun and exciting for me, but you will never ever ever feel the water and everything it has to offer, until you jump in.
Read the Book, pray and ask if it's true, and keep on doing so until you receive a yes or a no. And I promise you and add my witness, it is a resounding yes. Do this even if you have already, because we cannot forget. Do it often, remember the truth you have come to know.
The Heavens are open, and it's you that must step into the rays exploding forth and see them work miracles in you. Discover just how real Jesus Christ really is and what it means for you knowing that he really did what he did.
It's changed, its saved my life, and given me hope. Who doesn't want hope?
Of this I testify, amen.
Elder Hiatt
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